Who am I ?

Namaste !! My name is Rebi Bajracharya. I am a Full-stack Web Developer, currently working as an IT Manager :).

At the very beginning of my career, I learned VB.NET and Flash. I have developed some apps using VB.NET and some games using Flash. But after that I learned PHP and I felt in love with it <3! I thought PHP is my thing and I want to build career on this. So, I started working as a junior PHP developer first and after some time as a PHP developer. Finally, as a Senior PHP developer. Along with work, I was also doing my Masters. I did Master of Science in Information Technology (MSC. IT) plus I was also working as a PHP instructor and a blogger.

I used to teach PHP for the college student at morning from 7 AM to 8 AM and after that from 9 AM to 5 PM, I used to work as a developer in the office, after my office I used to study Masters from 6PM to 8PM. Then I came home and after having dinner, I used to write articles for my blog.

Life was hectic but I loved the way I choose to nurture or train myself. While blogging first I used blogger.com and later switch to WordPress. In the course of writing my own blog, I learned WordPress and that time I just used plugins to modify the website. But sometime using lots of plugins makes your website consumes lots of bandwidth and space.

I faced the same problem and also I was not able to find right plugins for free 😛 hehe. So, I learned to twik the plugins or coding to modify the website.

Hence, I learned CSS and designed my own template and converted into the WordPress theme. And learned to code and display right information at the right place. Also, for the some funtionality, I built my own plugins.

And after creating this blog, I applied for a job as a WordPress Developer. They were impressed to this my blog and immediately I was hired. They were very amused to see the website and as I said I have designed and programmed it and even I had created my own logo.

So, from there my career as a programmer started but I also like to design, make videos, etc. So, I evolve myself as a Full-stack Web Developer. And after that I became a team leader and now I am working as an IT Manager.

Well, now I don’t need to code or design as much as earlier. But still I love to design and code and whenever I get some free time or someone ask to help them with design or code, I feel delighted to help them.

Hence, in this blog I would like to share my experiences and I hope my experience would help a novice to install and run a WordPress site. And if you would like to make your hands dirty with coding then also it would be a great plateform.

Here, you will get a detailed knowledge from the beginning till the advance level. Also, if you think you are stuck in some place then I will try my best to help you for FREE.

Beside coding, I love to dance, write, travell and make new friends too.

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