If you are a beginner and trying to setup a server in your PC or laptop. And you have no idea how to do it then yes, you are in the RIGHT PLACE.
I will here guide all the steps from the very begining till making your site live.
First you need to install some softwares like Xampp, WampServer or Mamp. But hey, you don’t need to install all, you can choose any one. I prefer Xampp but you can choose any, they all function the same beside slight differences.
Let’s assume you have installed Xampp server. So, first download installer from the link: https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html
And install it in any drive except C: drive, why? Well, due to some reason if you need to repair or format your PC or laptop then all data in C: drive will be lost. As prevention is better that cure. Always install it in your other drive than C, like D drive.
Always download the latest version:

After downloading the Xampp server, run the installation and follow the instructions. Let me know if you face any issues while installing it.
Then, you can see the icon of Xampp in your desktop or in the right corner taskbar, you will see a Xampp control panel like below:

Run Apache and MySQL by clicking on the Start button.
Now, click on the Admin button in Apache and MySQL, you will see screen as below respectively:
When you click Admin in the Apache’s line, you will be redirected to the page: http://localhost/dashboard/. If the page below loads in your screen then Congratulations! you did it.

When you click Admin button, next to the MySQL then it will redirects you to the page: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
This is called the database. You will be creating all your databases here.

Hey! that’s it, isn’t it simple ?